Ethics and Business Conduct Policy

This Code of Ethics constitutes the corporate instrument for clarifying the values and principles that underpin personal and professional conduct among the members of the institution and their relationship with society.

Acceptable Conduct for Managers and Employees:

• Develop conditions conducive to establishing a productive, pleasant, and respectful work environment;

• Treat people and their ideas with dignity and respect;

• Prioritize and preserve the company’s interests with customers, government agencies, financial institutions, suppliers, entities, and other companies with whom the company has business relationships;

• Strictly adhere to the guidelines and strategic business direction when assuming a position of trust within the Company.

Unacceptable Conduct for Managers and Employees:

• Be complicit or negligent regarding errors and violations of this Code of Ethics and applicable legal and regulatory provisions;

• Engage in other professional activities during working hours, whether for profit or not, or engage in activities that may constitute harm or direct or indirect competition with the company’s activities;

• Engage in any form of discrimination based on economic, social, political, religious, color, race, or gender reasons;

• Prioritize and preserve personal interests or those of clients, government agencies, financial institutions, suppliers, entities, and other companies, to the detriment of the company’s interests;

• Gain advantages for themselves or third parties by accessing privileged company information, even if no harm is caused to the company;

• Use or transfer to third parties, documents, works, methodologies, products, tools, services, and information owned by the company or its clients and suppliers for personal benefit, except as required by law or court order.


This Code applies to this company, which is committed to working with its partners, subcontractors, and suppliers to encourage them to adopt the principles outlined here.

Respect for Human Rights
The company is committed to identifying, preventing, and mitigating negative impacts on human rights arising from its business activities or caused by it, if they occur.

Employment will be Freely Chosen
There will be no human trafficking, involuntary or forced labor, slave labor, including prison labor throughout the supply chain. Workers will not be required to leave deposits or identification documents under the employer’s custody and will be free to leave the employer after proper notice.

Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining will be Respected
Workers, without distinction, will have the right to join or form unions of their own choice and engage in collective bargaining. The company will adopt an open stance towards union activities and their organizational functions. Worker representatives will not be discriminated against and will have access to perform their representative duties at their workplace. Where law restricts the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, the employer must facilitate, not hinder, the development of parallel alternatives for independent and free association and negotiation.

Working Conditions Must Be Safe
A safe work environment with adequate sanitary conditions will be provided, considering prevailing industry knowledge and any specific hazards. Reasonable and practical measures will be taken to prevent accidents and health damages associated with or caused by hazards inherent in the workplace environment.

Child Labor Must Not Be Used
Child labor should not be employed. Companies must develop or participate in policies and programs that provide a transitional base for children found working, ensuring they have access to quality education until reaching adulthood. Children and young people under the age of 18 must not be employed for night shifts or in hazardous conditions. This policy and procedures must be followed in accordance with ILO standards.

Dignified Salaries Will Be Paid
Salaries and benefits corresponding to the work month should at a minimum be paid in accordance with the national legal framework or the industrial sector, whichever is higher. Salaries should always be sufficient to cover basic needs. Before starting work, all employees will receive written and understandable information about working conditions relating to wages and payment details during the employment period. Salary deductions for disciplinary actions, or deductions not required by national laws, will not be allowed without the employee’s consent.

Working Hours Will Not Be Excessive
Working hours should comply with national laws and the industrial sector’s standards or those offering higher protection. At no time should workers exceed 48 hours per week regularly, and they should have at least one day off every 7 days. Overtime will be voluntary, should not exceed 12 hours weekly, and will not be required regularly. Our company operates in full compliance with applicable salary, working hours, and overtime laws.

Discrimination Will Not Be Tolerated
There will be no discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, dismissal, or retirement on the basis of race, social class, origin, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, or affiliation with a union or political party.

Regular Employment Will Be Provided
Whenever possible, employment will be based on a recognized work relationship established by national laws and standards. Worker obligations arising from the regular employment relationship cannot be circumvented through the use of casual contracts, outsourcing, or homeworking. These obligations cannot be avoided through intern programs that do not confer skills or provide stable jobs, nor through excessive use of temporary contracts.

Inhuman and Severe Treatment Will Not Be Allowed
Physical or disciplinary abuse, threats of physical, sexual, or other types of harassment, verbal abuse, or other forms of intimidation are prohibited.

Social Commitment
The company does not accept child labor or any contractual/legal irregularities within its supply chain. The occurrence of any of the situations mentioned above will lead to a joint effort to develop a responsible solution, evaluating the situation to apply corrective measures, always considering the best interest of the harmed party. The company reserves the right to terminate relationships with any organization that does not comply with these policies.

Communication with Employees
Open and honest communication between all employees is valued, with the company committed to complying with applicable labor and employment laws. If you believe there is a conflict between the text herein and the laws, customs, and practices of the workplace, if you have doubts about this Code, or wish to report a potential violation, you should in good faith raise those doubts and concerns through existing channels, which will make every effort to maintain confidentiality. You may ask questions or report potential violations of this Code via the suggestion box available at the company or by email at No retaliation or adverse action will be taken against any employee for raising concerns. The company is committed to investigating, correcting, and responding to employee concerns and taking appropriate corrective actions in response to any violations.

Publication Date: September 18, 2019
Last Revision Date: September 18, 2019
Data Controller: Valérius-Têxteis, S.A.